Car Advice

The 5 Driver Behaviors That Cause the Deadliest Collisions

The 5 Driver Behaviors That Cause the Deadliest Collisions

Some people love driving. Others regard it more as a way from point A to point B. Either way, danger lurks on America’s roadways. You should exercise caution every time you pull out of your driveway and brave the morning commute.Let’s talk about the five driver behaviors that cause some of the deadliest collisions you’re likely to see. If you don’t do these things, you’ll keep the drive safer for millions of your fellow Americans. 


Speeding accidents caused 11,528 deaths in 2020 in the United States, and that number usually stays consistent most years. Having a heavy foot can prove deadly if you’re not careful. You might speed because you like the thrill, but many more people do it if they’re running late and feel they can’t let their boss see them clock in after their shift’s normal start time. In the unfortunate event of an accident, a Philadelphia car accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and responsibilities.

While staying on your boss’s good side should always remain at the top of your priority list, having them say something to you doesn’t seem so bad if you’re passing a wreck on the highway with fatalities that speeding caused. Try to keep things in perspective. A slightly late arrival always beats killing someone or dying. If you find that you can’t get to work on time, leave earlier rather than driving faster. 

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving also claims many lives every year. It’s a catch-all term that could mean several different things. If you have a smartphone, and you pull it out to see what your bestie just texted you while you’re behind the wheel, that’s distracted driving. If you see a billboard with something funny on it and it takes your eyes off the road, that’s distracted driving as well.

Other times, you might let some individuals in the car with you distract you. Maybe you’re having an intense conversation or joking and laughing with some friends in the backseat. No matter what’s causing the distraction, know that if you remove your eyes from the road ahead for just a moment, that might cause an accident. 

Understand that you’re piloting a multiple-ton vehicle. Don’t take that responsibility lightly, or you might regret it.  

Consuming Alcohol

Many individuals like consuming alcohol, especially after a long day of work or on the weekends when they’re watching the ballgame. If you make sure it’s an occasional thing, you probably won’t impact your health all that much, either. 

Though it’s a relatively harmless vice when you consume it in moderation, if you combine driving with alcohol, you can end up as a statistic. You can either kill someone or end up dying yourself if you make a serious traffic mistake, like driving the wrong way up a one-way street or falling asleep behind the wheel.

Drinking and driving has claimed countless lives over the years. The jails and prisons across America have many occupants who killed someone by needlessly drinking and driving because they felt it wasn’t a big deal. Don’t make that mistake. Call for an Uber or take a taxi if you suspect you’re over the legal limit. 


Some drivers like tailgating when they’re on the highway. They may feel it’s acceptable behavior if they’re behind someone who’s driving slowly in the fast lane. 

Keep in mind that if there’s someone in the fast lane who’s driving the speed limit, they’re not breaking any laws. Maybe you’d prefer that they speed up, but they have no obligation in that regard.

Try to pass them when you get a chance. Do so when it’s safe, and don’t ride the slow driver’s bumper. Doing so might make them panic and swerve suddenly. Tailgating causes many accidents, and it serves no useful purpose.

Road Rage Incidents

Speaking of tailgating, if you do it, you might cause an accident, but you may also trigger a road rage incident. You never know if that slow-moving driver has a baseball bat, knife, or perhaps a gun in the back seat or the trunk. 

If a driver cuts you off in traffic, maybe you’re the one who feels your blood boiling. If you’re having a bad day already, that kind of thing might make you reach your breaking point.

Try meditating each day to center yourself before you go out if you find you’re having road rage incidents. If that doesn’t work, talk to a therapist. Road rage sometimes indicates you’re experiencing deep-seated issues of some kind. Talking them out might stop this objectionable behavior. 

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